Winter Wedding Dresses Ideas – Bridesmaids, let’s face it — standing up with your BFF or sibling is one of the most memorable experiences of your life… for better or worse. We like to think that the bridesmaid experience should be a positive one for all, even if it doesn’t always turn out that way. If you’re a bride, one way you can make your maids very happy at your winter wedding is to make sure they’re warm enough. While this might be a “no-duh” kind of situation for you, you’d be surprised how many pictures we’ve seen of bridesmaids in the snow with teeny dresses! Their smiling, but believe me…their eyes look sad. And cold.
So if you’re having a winter wedding, we sincerely hope that you’ve thought of ways to keep you bridesmaids warm and looking trendy. Like these brides. They’ve found dresses, cardigans, tights and more to help keep the chill away from their gal pals, while still looking chic. Ready for us to layer it on?